Honing Hope

George Arevalo

The greatest thing that one can be given in life is hope.

In Hebrews 7:19 we are told that"... the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.”

Through hope, we are saved and directed to Christ. Because of this, we ought to hone hope in our lives and the lives of others!

1. Hope Heals!

There are many instances in the New Testament where some are handicapped, forsaken, and hopeless. As soon as they hear of Christ, their hope leads them to Jesus to be healed and saved. This is what hope does! Hope can change someone's entire life if it is in the right place. There are many people that we come in contact with who have problems and are looking for answers. Perhaps some that we work with in ministry have been struggling for some time. May we purpose to help give hope to them, either through a new life through salvation or by directing them through God's promises.
2. Hope Helps!

In 2 Corinthians 11:24-28, we are given a lengthy list of the trials and troubles that Paul went through in the ministry. Amongst his pains, we see that he was persecuted, beaten, stoned, and shipwrecked! What could have possibly motivated Paul to keep going despite his tribulations? At the end of the passage, Paul tells us that the "care of all the churches" was on his mind daily! In other words, his hope that God would continue a work through him in the churches kept Paul going through these hardships! In our Christian lives, we might grow weary, tired, and discouraged at one point or another. May we first remember that God promises to never forsake us, but also that, as in Paul's case, God has people He needs us to reach and help. Might we go through our hardships to help others in theirs!

Let's continue to use hope in our lives and in the lives of others to keep going for Christ and to get them from where they are at to where God wants them to be!

George Arevalo

George is a true product of Pacific Baptist Church. Having been reached through the bus ministry at a young age, he had the privilege of attending and graduating from both PBS and PBBC. It was there he met his wife, Joanna. Upon graduation from PBBC, he began serving the Lord full time on our staff. He and his wife have one baby, and serve in various ministries including the college, our christian school, and the Adult Sunday School ministry.

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