Identity Determines Direction

Nick Grande
Hebrews 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

It has been said “You are or will become like the people you hang around.” Here is another way to understand this principle: if you want to be a millionaire, then hang around millionaires. If you want to be a bum, then hang out with bums. If you want to be a sports fanatic, then hang out with sports fanatics. If you want to be consumed with materialism and this present life, then hang out with people that are consumed with this lifestyle.

Every person in this life decides whom they want to identify with. That decision of identity determines the direction and end of their conversation or lifestyle. You will be amazed to find numerous branches of identities. People identify themselves by their occupations, their favorite sports team, their ethnic background, their favorite music, and the list could go on. This choice of identity a lot of times will determine small things such as elements of apparel and appearance, as well as larger-scale things of life-altering decisions and commitments.

In Hebrews, we are reminded to follow those who are spiritual leaders in our lives, godly people, people that are following and identifying with Jesus Christ. People that have taught us the Word of God. People that we have considered and examined the end of their life and determined that is the result and end we want for our lives.

I am thankful for parents that allowed me to have friends of my own age, but more importantly, they always surrounded me with older, wiser people that would guide me and influence me towards a godly direction. To this day, I have found that a lot of good in my life came from being around people that were older than me and godlier than me. A lot of bad things in my life came about from being around people that were my age and were either at or below my level spiritually.

However, maybe you can relate to this problem I face daily? Regardless of the choices and commitments I made in the past, I am still daily faced with the choice of whom and what I will identify with. Ultimately, the choice comes down to this: will I identify with the things of this world or with Christ? This decision determines the direction for my life today and will determine the direction for my future and all those I have influence over.

I John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

I can choose who influences me, but I cannot choose how much they will influence me. I can choose whom and what I will identify with, but I cannot control the direction it will set me on. And I cannot control the effect it will have on those who are following me.

As we close, may we consider these thoughts in the area of choosing our identity and ultimately the direction for our lives.

1. Am I wisely choosing whom my family and I will identify with?
2. Am I identifying with the things of this world or am I identifying with Christ?
3. Am I surrounding myself with people that have a godly lifestyle and direction?
4. Am I considering the end result of the identity I am choosing?

Nick Grande

Bro. Grande serves in our music and media ministry, and teaches the Solid Rock Singles Class. He and his wife Hannah have three daughters- Allison, Brooke, and Claire.

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