Teens and Technology

Daniel Esposito

It is a parent’s job to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4) Nurture means “to care cautiously.” We should be very particular in our care for our children and what influences we allow in their lives.

Often, we and/or our children get snared by the devil because we are ignorant of his tactics. Technology is a modern tactic Satan uses to tempt us. We cannot give our children technology and allow its influence in their lives without understanding its dangers!

The world has advanced faster in the last 30 years than maybe any other 100 years in history. It seems that before we can adapt to a new piece of technology, another new piece comes out to replace it. We as parents cannot allow our children to have and understand technology, but not understand it ourselves.

Technology affords plenty of amazing opportunities for the child of God. We have more sermons than we can listen to in a lifetime at the touch of a finger. Audio Bibles, commentaries, and good Christian literature are accessible without leaving our homes. Along with all the potential spiritual advantages technology provides, technology also has a very dark and dangerous facet, particularly for our young people.

My dad once said 95% of his counseling had its root in technology. Pastor Meyers mentioned recently that 99% of the problems he helps parents with was their teenagers that had some form of technology involved.

I’ve seen broken-hearted fathers, mother's tears, teens with lost potential, and crippled futures because parents allowed their kids to have technology without accountability. Just like we have access to so much good through technology, our teens have access to a world of filth and evil people who can ruin their lives!

Here are a few technology helps for parents with teens:
*None of these are original, they are a compilation of Pastor Esposito’s and Pastor Meyers’ thoughts.

1. Never allow teens to have internet access without accountability.

The Internet has the world at our fingertips: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Our teens are not mature enough to be able to handle everything they have access to on the Internet. Just like we would not hand a loaded gun to a young child without supervision, we should never give our teens access to something they are not ready to handle.

2. It would be good to wait until your children are adults to give them a cell phone.

Today, so many phones are far more versatile than a computer five years ago. Giving your child a cell phone with or without service is like giving them private access to an adult bookstore or allowing them to spend time with godless people and learn their ways. Although I am not suggesting these will happen in every case, we are allowing them open access to these temptations.

If for some reason your teen needs a cell phone, a flip phone might be a good option.

3. If your children do have devices, they must have safeguards.

There are many safeguards built into devices these days because even the unsaved world understands the danger tech poses for children. There are also programs that can be installed to aid this. No accountability system is foolproof, but these do help! If you don’t understand how this works, it would be wise to get help from someone who does!

4. Your kids are not the exception to the rule.

Yes, your kids are good kids! Yes, you work hard to set them up for success! No, they aren’t the exception to the rule!!

If you give your teen unfiltered access to the World Wide Web, they will come across filth that will taint or ruin them! Many good parents have been broken-hearted because they gave good kids access to devices they were not ready for. Save yourself the heartbreak and take precautions for your children and their technology.

Daniel Esposito

Born in a pastor's home, Daniel has been in church his whole life. He met his wife Cassi while enrolled at PBBC. They have one sweet daughter, Ivory, and a baby on the way. He serves as a bus captain, school and college teacher, the soul winning director, and helps with various other church ministries.

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